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Scoutin’ The New Year

Cowboy Poultry
December 24, 2022
Comin’ Round
January 16, 2023
Cowboy Poultry
December 24, 2022
Comin’ Round
January 16, 2023

It seems all too familiar, on this New Year’s Eve, as I ponder the past twelve months and scout the trails of the coming ones; making promises to myself that I won't keep. It’s what I do. At the beginning of each new year I get nostalgic and pensive. Optimistically motivated, I pen out some reflections and plans; once again vainly attempting to plot ways to make the next season superior, by increasing positive actions and reducing irresponsible omissions.

We all want to grow and improve to better ourselves, right? I know the best way to do that. I’ve known it for years but, historically, I’m just not consistently successful at applying what I know. 

But I am an absolute, hope-filled optimist. Maybe this time, in 2023, I’ll actually practice what I've declared in my writing.

Scoutin' The New Year

Well Christmas is just behind me
And a sweet, nostalgic time it was
But now a New Year is beginning
So, for a moment, I'm reflectin' on pause

Pensive, I sigh on the dozen months past
The bitter failures and the sweet wins
My backtrail search is a solo journey 
Tallyin' it's strengths and my sins

What new trail will yield the best reward
When daybreak greets me tomorrow?
What is in my power to influence
Unknown highs and lows, joy and sorrow?

There sure were some losses this past year
Too many dead-end trails and missed dallys
Of course there were some mountain summits
Paired with some time lowdown in the valleys

Also, we said goodbye way too soon
To our dear friends and inspirations
Baxter, Don and Ian now playin' heaven
Memories on my heart and radio stations

So here's what I hope and plan to do
To make this coming new year distinct
Let's not call this scheme a resolution
They're commonly broken and too succinct

No, I'm callin' it a solemn promise
Made to my Father, Lord and Savior
I will spend more focused time with Him
Changing my daily readin' behavior

Count on me readin' my Bible daily
And not to just check it off my list
No Sir, gonna study His word harder
Searchin' deeply for His daily gist

Then I’ll actually apply the learnin'
With focus doin’ my daily chores
Lingerin' longer in my brother's eyes
Searchin' for understandin' in yours

I was just reading my weekly report
Showing my social media time
It was a disheartening twelve hours
That could'a been with Jesus; what a crime

Next year I'll spend more time on my knees
And volunteer to do more at church
Our pastor's been way overloaded
I’m gonna lighten up his helper search

Friends and neighbors of ours
Can probably use an extra hand
I'll reach out more to folks
Against evil I'll stronger stand

Bein’ ex-cop-suspicious and all
Givin’ free handouts to homeless folk?
Well it’s hard for me to even talk to them
But I’ll seek ways to help those who’re broke

My wife's been much too overburdened
By her non-stop chores around our house
What one of us wouldn't feel better
By lovin’ on and helpin' out our spouse?

My Father wants to hear from me reg’lar
I don't call on Him nearly enough
What if my son's never called me up
No question, that would sure be tough

So here's the upshot final tally
This is exactly what I'm callin' true
I'll be less passive, more courageous
Takin’ responsibility for what I do

'Course listen to me spoutin' off strong
As if alone I could this oath fulfill
Sorry Father, I'll end this prayer with,
Please Lord, just abide me in your will

by Rik Goodell
© 2023 All rights reserved

Thank you Gregory Mayse for once again providing your excellent artwork to accompany my poetry.

To see more of Mr. Mayse's work, visit his website: