My First ‘Casa’ Trip
December 16, 2020
I’m Just Not Sure
December 19, 2020Called to Write
I must put pen to paperMaybe type out a word or two
Document thoughts ‘n feelings
Communicate 'tween me ‘n you It's not my words are fancy
Don't 'spect they're special t' read
But they're all tusslin' 'round inside me
Bustin’ 'em out is my true need Sometimes it'll be a story
Some pages of rambling prose
Time t’ time I go t’ rhymin'
Tho that's chancy Heaven knows! I set store by talkin' vulnerable
Which means tellin' from heart deep
Without that trust, well, it's just chatter
And we share nothing to know or keep We tend t'fear showin' true feelin's
Talkin’ safe; News, Weather 'n Sports
How do we have rooted, lovin' friendship
Short of speakin’, “From the Heart Reports”? So while you visit on my site
This here front porch URL
Sit back with cup of favorite brew
Hold, enjoy the words I'll tell Get comfy in your easy chair
Call ol Shep o'er to your feet
Slow yer pace and mind a mite
Let's you and I just meet While you are ingesting
The musings in this place
My hope is that a knowing smile
Will come rest upon yer face Or maybe not a smile a’tall
Perhaps a subtle nod
Unbidden will expose at last
Our tie by grace of God Two souls unknown t'other
Wandering this cyber land
Will by these shared ideas
Come each to understand And when you've taken in my words
These ponderings of mine
We'll no longer be just strangers
But connected by design God built us not to solo
But built us to connect
And when we share our inner mind
That's what we do I 'spect Well, thanks fer stoppin' by
It's been my pleasure to palaver
I'm called to greet a million folk
Before I up'n go cadaver Come back again to this ol’ porch
Stop, visit when in the 'hood
Drop by and read my latest
I truly wish you would
By, Rik Goodell
© 2020