Provin’ Up Wise
August 17, 2021
Campfire Schoolin’
August 31, 2021Comfortin' SonRise
Sometimes it's a tussleTo pen out a subject-worthy verse
About a unique notion
As my creativity I prod an' coerce For a man who fancies himself a wordsmith
It comes on mighty humblin'
To be strugglin’ tough for honest words
While tryin’ to describe SonRise and fumblin' My bride and I stopped on a whim
There weren't no place else to park
But God had a guest ranch plan for us
And a new friendship journey to embark It’s a family run operation
Each member havin’ their parts
They all appear to do it with joy
The work seem’s a mission from hearts This family is old fashioned real
They have a passion for the land
And also for each other
It's important you understand Oh sure we moved some cattle
And admired their rangin’ hens
But most important of all
We delighted in new friends Yep, it was a fine ranch experience
Includin' all such would require
But the real gem of SonRise
Came night-sittin' round their fire Strangers the day before
Whether guests or family ‘n crew
We shared lives and storyin'
While sippin' on sweet tea or a brew You expect to enjoy yourself
When visitin' a rural guest ranch
And actually makin' real new friends
Evolves naturally ‘round a burnin' branch I walked the fence line by the ditch
Tyin' up a stray wire or two
I took my two Aussie girls along
Just to give 'em somethin’ to do The sun risin' up behind me
A slow, comfortable, peaceful morn
Taking in the boundless vista's
Of this blessed ranch God did adorn Not sure I can put my finger on
Why SonRise stands out from others
But one thing’s without question
I left with some new brothers Eve and Doug and Brennon
Ashton, Bryan and Faye
Are the family that run this spread
Three generations abidin’ I pray I ponder that twenty-four hour visit
Purt’ near ever’ day still
Though we left more'n a month ago
I’m still abidin' in their goodwill Cain't rightly say what all it is
But I'm bettin'-worthy of belief
That too brief stay still haunts
Due to more'n their grass fed beef See, I've come to the conclusion
When you're a guest upon their land
You grin more, your heart rate slows
As you begin to understand They're modeling a simple life
With family ways that are homegrown
Which, I believe, we all seek
Down-deep, it's the life we all want to own So thanks to you, SonRise family
For openin’ the barn for us to commune
You can safely bet a week of eggs
We’ll be back again one day soon
By, Rik Goodell
© 2021