Jesus Roped a MaveRik
July 30, 2020
The Treasure State’s Allure
August 4, 2020American Nightmare
Had me a nightmare last night
In the future it took place
There sat my sweet granddaughter
With questions on her face
She wanted to know all about
My life when I was her age
How were folks occupied?
Askin’, as if I was some sage
After a long, deep breath
While lookin’ into my heart
I acknowledged that the truth
Is always the best place to start
Well, ya see sweet Darlin’
It was different, times change
We had something called freedom
Ways that, to you'd seem strange
Things like what Grandpa?
What wouldn't I know?
Well, we had choices ‘n fun
Folks gathered for stuff like rodeo
Ohh! Sweetie, people would come
From miles and miles away
They'd pack in tight on benches
To watch critters ‘n cowboys play
What? Whoa, slow down Honey!
Ask one question at a time
No, they weren't covered with masks
Closer'n six feet weren't no crime
I grew up watchin’ movies in places
They called theaters with big screens
And we worshipped God in churches
Back when in I was in my teens
We had a recorded Bill of Rights
In the 1700's it was written
‘Protected our God-given freedoms
Not long after we left Great Britain
There were ten of them amendments
Freedom to gather was first to go
Followed shortly by our right to speak
Loss of free beliefs was the hardest blow
Our precious freedoms still intact
If folks hadn't been so passive
But instead had courage to act
You'll likely never understand
The loss of liberty we've endured
The gifts we so carelessly let go
By blood of so many were procured
I’m sorry I’m sounding so sad sayin’
Things you likely don’t wanna hear
But it's important that you know of
These treasures once held so dear
And protect the memory with your life
There once was a time where
Daily freedoms and joy were rife
We worshiped God as we saw fit
By hundreds we gathered to play
We lost those choices through apathy
I didn't stand up, it shames me to say
Be very mindful of every blessing
So when your life draws near its close
You won't question or be guessing You'll rest easy in your last days
Knowing you never passed a chance
That you lived a steady vigil
America’s precious values to advance
Then you can smile quietly
As you go along your way
Knowing you defended the rights
Thousands with their lives did pay
Sick and nauseous I did feel
But, the fact of the matter is
That nightmare is purt near real
By, Rik Goodell
© 2020