Home For Christmas
December 24, 2024Chasin’ The Cowboy Way
January 4, 2025
It's What Cowboys Do
Ridin' through a coulee one day
I came on an elk all tangled
In some twisted barbed wire fencin'
One leg was lookin' bad mangled
Leanin' off my creakin' saddle
My fencin’ pliers cut him loose
He dashed off to the east quick-like
Sure was good to be of some use
Cowboys act now if there's a need
We help when someone needs a hand
More'n kindness and neighborly
It's simply doin’ God's command
When I help another in need
It maybe could happen to be
Someone prayed desperate for help
Now, to them, God is sending me!
Our word and handshake is our bond
That's how we do a good contract
We'll look a man straight in the eye
Best way to business transact
We value doin' what is right
We stand for the flag and what's true
We will kneel for Jesus only
It's simply the right thing to do
We show courtesy and respect
Towards wimmenfolk that we meet
We say ma'am and mind our speech
We open doors and give our seat
We seldom snivel or complain
Mostly bottling things up inside
We're not exactly proud of that
It's just how most cowboys will ride
I ain't suggestin' were all saints
We ain't perfect at bein right
We reg'lar stumble, miss the mark
Then, we ponder what we'd'a might
Our trail has wide rivers to cross
When settin' out to rope our sin
We can miss our loop or dally
But mostly we'll tie-off and win
Fessin' up when he messes up,
A cowboy admits when he's done so
He often listens more'n he talks
Knowin' there's much he's yet to know
It's not that he'll wake up daily
Figurin’ out how to behave
He's wired to work at try'n right
By manning up, and bein' brave
He don't need to practice the right
Comes normal since it's how he grew
He don't much think how to behave
It's what cowboys natcherly do
by Rik Goodell
© 2024 All rights reserved
This Clark Kelley Price painting speaks to me of compassion. It's a fine example of an opportunity to do some good and be of service.
To see more of this artist's work, visit his website: